5 - 10 PLAYERS (+ 1 GK if available)
Improve shooting & sharpness around the box.
5 to 10 players (+ 1 GK if available - if no GK's just use poles a metre inside the corners of the goals for players to aim at).
Set up 4 shooting stations.
1 player each on 3 of the stations and the shooters behind the other station.

Have 3 to 4 players lined up behind the dribbling station ready to go and 1 player on each of the other 3 stations. The first shooter goes through all the stations & has 6 shots & then the next shooter starts. The shooter who has jsut finished swaps with a player on one of the passing stations.
SHOT 1: Shooters start on the dribbling station, dribble through the cones & shoot.
SHOT 2: White #1 passes to Black #1 inside the box who shoots first time.
SHOT 3 + 4: Black #1 peels back out and runs around one of the middle cones. White #2 passes a through ball for Black #1 to hit first time. Black #1 then runs around the other cone and does the same but with their other foot.
SHOT 5: Black #1 does a one/two with White #3 who crosses back in for Black #1 to strike (it can be on the ground or in the air)
SHOT 6: White #1 passes to Black #1 inside the box who shoots first time.
Quality of Pass - The pass from the White players should be well weighted so shooters can strike first time.
Match Pace - I'm a big one for this! Tell the players to do things at match pace so it is realistic. Every turn, pass & shot should be sharp and done at match pace -100%! Also make sure the players are calling for the ball and pointing to where they want it.
Shoot For the Corner of the Goals - If the players are of good standard get the shooters to aim for the corners.
Keep Score - Get the players to keep count of how many goals they score & the winner gets to choose the punishment for the others. Alternatively, if a player scores 4 of the 6 goals they can pick a player to do 10 push ups.
